
Watch Out For Those Calories

Who doesn't enjoy eating pizza, burgers, fries or donuts? I like all of these foods but after learning the calories it contain, I (try hard to) eat it sparingly.

Sometimes I think that we weren't created equally. Why can some people eat all the junk they want and not gain a single pound while others sweat as much as they can and still not lose any inches?!? Please find time to check the infographic below but brace yourselves; you might be consuming the same food with a whopping amount of fats!

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After eating a donut for instance with 470 calories, you'll need to do some aerobics exercise for an hour and only lose 450+ calories. Eating the donut for less than 10 minutes is tantamount to an hour's hard work! My goodness! And there are times when you'd finish three donuts in one sitting and a beverage that could have 561 calories. Thus, you have eaten a total of 1,971 calories for your snack alone!

         Please click for a clearer and bigger view

The infographic above on the other hand enlists the different types of activities you and I often do, together with the calories you burn every hour.  So watch out for those calories. Love your body because it's the most amazing thing you'll ever own.

Infographics from here and here 


  1. Farida ....HOW ARE YOU!

    definitely right, those junk food are dangerous.
    but Italian homemade pizza I bet you cholesterol free ;)
    have a great day

  2. I'm dieting right now, so I've been watching every calorie I eat. It's amazing how quickly they add up!

  3. omg, im so guilty of this! its so hard not to say no to that greasy cheeseburger and hot frenchfries dip in a sundae thats heaven! but seriously, this post slaps both of my cheeks!

  4. I hear homemade pizzas are healthy...I try to avoid reading these charts because they leave me feeling guilty for every junk food I consume...sigh! How I wish I was one of those who never need to worry about what I eat.

  5. I feel lucky to have made it to 64 after reading this post :)

  6. As long as you don't eat these everyday, I think that's no problem :-) We all have different metabolisms and we have individual limits. Some people can tolerate more than others. Bottom line is, all these foods are still harmful and best avoided (if possible)...and not just because of potentially gaining extra pounds but also of the other more serious health effects.

  7. so true! but lately i realized that when i got older, my metabolism slowed down... hence i gained weight so easily in addition to the fact that i was mostly sedentary in my previous job. hayyy, if only i can squeeze some gym time or maybe some jogging over the weekend. :(

  8. Hmmm, I've noticed that the more delicious the food is, the more calories it has. But food makes us happy, the hell with calories.hahaha Seriously, I think it's all about moderation.

  9. I believe it's true too..am finding it so easy to gain weight these few months and so dificult to lose it.

  10. Oh no, wala akong pakialam sa kinakain ko lately! Too dependent on breastfeeding magic! Ayayay. Thanks for the infographic, though!

  11. I know right! LOL If you really watch what you eat, you will find out that you are gulping away.

  12. Badminton is not in the list..Next year I will surely get back to counting calories and exercise more..

  13. Ah, I always joked on keeping my "figure" that is why I eat a lot but..knowing these calories..ohhhhh...seems like i would be toning down eating my favorite pizza hut and KFC.

  14. thanks for the reminder about the sources of calories. I am into skipping rope just this week. better than jogging since especially in rainy season.

  15. Ahhhhh I really need to find a pool so I could regularly go swimming. Hindi pwede ang knitting ang crocheting lang, mabagal ang pag burn hehe :)
