
The Bamboo And The Fern

My friendship with Ka Lauro is filled with profound respect and admiration. To this very day, he lives with joy while serving other persons with disabilities (PWDs). Notwithstanding his physical limitations, he allots his precious time to further advance the cause of the disabled sector and firmly stands on his beliefs which are guided by his unfaltering values. He openly speaks his mind, fights for a good cause and adamantly shares his opinions.

He is blind, speech and hearing impaired. He works for the government (DECS), goes to the office by himself, represents the PWDs in multilateral meetings abroad, is a great writer and is an exceedingly good-natured man.

If he continued to whine and complain about his physical disabilities, he would not have accomplished his lofty achievements and status in life. It took him years to muster such courage, to overcome the constant humps and bumps and perseveringly expedited the journey called life.

In connection to Ka Lauro’s exemplary of a courageous feat in life, I’d like to share a story about a fern and a bamboo I received via e-mail from a friend. May this narration inspire you to welcome the myriad challenges you face because, “All things work together for good to those who love God.” (Romans 8:28) Happy reading!

Don't give up
One day I decided to quit... I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality. I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.

"God", I asked, "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?" His answer surprised me. "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?" "Yes", I replied. "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.


In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said. "In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit." He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant.

But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.


I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle." He asked me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots". "I would not quit on the bamboo. “I will never quit on you."

"Don't compare yourself to others." He said. "The bamboo had a different Purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful." "Your time will come", God said to me. "You will rise high" "How high should I rise?" I asked. "How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return. "As high as it can?" I questioned. "Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can." I left the forest and brought back this story.

Inspiring, isn't it? Have you experienced any similar story in the past perhaps that is analogous to this?


  1. That is a great story for us to remember; we often want to be the fern don't we, and we are too impatient to be bamboo, but God's timing and will is always perfect for us in our growth indeed!

    I do admire your friend with what he achieved and how he has not allowed his disabilities to conquer him but he conquered them; very motivating!


  2. This is a wonderful story and I thank you for sharing it. Thanks too for your thoughts about your friend, Ka Lauro. We need to hear more about positive people!
    This reminds me of the young girl here, Aimee Copeland, I have written about her on my blog. She was in an accident and from a deep wound, developed the flesh eating bacteria and first had to have one leg amputated. She then lost the foot on her other leg and then had to have her hands amputated. She was just released from the hospital recently and she was SMILING! I just know that God has great plans for her.

  3. Very beautiful. We are all ferns AND bamboo at some point, aren't we? sometimes we shine and are blooming; other times we wait and wait, and nothing seems to be working in our life. We see no growth. but then....so we just never know what God is doing. God bless your friend, who has learned to overcome such difficulties!

  4. this story is a treasure - I will hold it in my heart and I thank you for sharing it. it's beautiful and uplifting and I love it. happy week to you.

  5. Much admiration for your friend, who obviously has some very strong roots!

  6. Oh wow...this is such a touching post. What a beautiful story about the fern and bamboo. That brought tears to my eyes. I have read your profile and was very inspired. God bless you.

  7. That story is beautiful and Ka Lauro sounds like a truly remarkable person.
    And that Romans verse is one of my favourites.
    Blessings to you.

  8. What an incredible share, the story AND the whole post. Brought tears to my eyes while reading this.

  9. You have a very special friend. I was blessed by hearing his story and also from the story of the fern and the bamboo. Thank you for sharing Christ's love with me today. God bless your day!

  10. the fern and bamboo is a beautiful story, and teaches a much needed lesson. Ka is amazing to me, totally amazing.

  11. Your friend is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. It reminds me of
    my daughter's elderly friend who has a mobility disability, but who loves to dance. He, too, is an inspiration.
    I hope you have a good week.

  12. Beautiful post...I will share the fern and bamboo story with my grand children...a wonderful lesson in it. You may not know that I have a walking disability from polio and that my husband is in the heart transplant program, so I do understand your post to the fullest. Blessings Dee

  13. Such a precious one he is. Asking God to sweetly bless him.

  14. A blog post with so much heart to touch! Great post you got here very inspiring!

    I would love you to visit my blog http://jeniferbalatico.blogspot.com/2012/07/issey-miyake-perfume-review.html and let me know if you want a follow back and link exchange. Do let me know what name you used to follow :)

  15. What an inspiration he is! I love the bamboo story. It's a good thing to remember when things don't seem to be going as we would like. God knows best!

  16. Nice to hear from you again, it's been a while. He is so cool. Thanks for sharing his ways and such. (hug)

  17. Wow, this is a courageous man you have shared with us and I love the story of the bamboo. You asked me if we could follow one another and I say "yes"! I look forward to seeing you at my blog and I look forward to reading more of your posts. God bless.

  18. A very nice and inspiring story. This is for all of us. When we face some problems and struggles in life, we tend to quit but supposed to be not, there are reason why we experience such in life.

  19. thank you for your story and about Ka Lauro. I was teary eyed after reading your post. i am in this situation that makes me want to give up on something we have always wanted. I know God has his purpose for letting things happen. he will make it poassible for us one day. thank you very much for the post.

  20. wow the story really is inspiring.. it reminds me of another story similar to the moral value. "you wouldnt know your happy ending when you give up on life" :)

  21. I loved the story of the fern and the bamboo - and I found your blog most interesting - I shall certainly call back to read your future blogs I have added you to my followers list

  22. A great story for everyone to remember.

  23. Such an inspiring story and I would like to thank you fro sharing this with us.

    Mommy Maye (http://momayes.blogspot.com/)

  24. We and the kids most specially, since they are competitive ballroom dancers or are in Dancesport, are very fond of watching "So You Think You Can Dance". One time, they had guest performers. A dancing couple that is. Not just any ordinary dancers but the male was in wheelchair. And we were so moved. Just like your friend Ka Lauro, these are the people who uses God's gifts in all greatness. They are true inspirations in this world.

  25. very impressive lesson...we have to persevere in order to accomplish something

  26. Inspiring story!

    I appreciate Ka Lauro`s courage to defeat his disability. He is a good example to everyone.

  27. So glad you met Ka Lauro.... What an inspirational man.... People with disabilities (including YOU) are an inspiration to ALL of us... We learn from you... God Bless You.

    That is an awesome story about the fern and bamboo.... There's so many lessons in that story... Thanks for sharing...


  28. Very powerful lesson! I taught special needs children for much of my 30+ years as a teacher...
    I learned from them the same lesson. Don't judge one child's growth in comparison to another's. All grow in God's time.
    I'm glad we found each other's blogs...I always try to reply to comments that are left on my blog, so go back and check if you leave me a comment.
    Happy day!

  29. This is so much inspiring! Makes me keep on reaching my goals and dream. I will have a purpose.

    PS: Can I share this on my facebook?

    1. Hi Rozeh! Yes, feel free to share this post so others can benefit from it :D

  30. I remember a quote saying "someone else is happy with less than what you have". We often take for granted the things we have until we see another person happy and contented even without the comforts we enjoy.

  31. Inspiring story.. I'm on the verge of quitting too, my job, my current life, but i'm doubting.. Maybe after this story, I need to think again.. I have spent years here, so maybe there is something for me ahead..

    Thank you for this.. :)

  32. Super loving this entry! thank you for sharing this wonderful story.. I can relate to this because sometimes i tend to compare myself to others which is wrong.. Now I realized that we should wait for our time to shine.. God knows the perfect timing..

  33. very touching story..and Ka Lauro is truly inspirational..

  34. Your post is very lovely, Farida! Ka Lauro's story is very moving and I'm glad that nothing hindered him from doing what he wants. And that actually applies to everybody, including me!

  35. magnificent testimony! A message to each one of us! Thank you for that!
    My admiration and friendship,
    Isabel (Bluesheell)

  36. Hi Farida!
    The story goes to say that we all can achieve our dreams if we would only persevere. Ka Lauro is amazing! He is an inspiration to those able bodied people that still feel inadequate in many ways.

    May your days be always bright and sunny! God bless!

    p.s. thanks for the visit. will email you soon.

  37. A very inspiring and touching post. Thank you.

  38. I love this story, it's very uplifting. I could very much relate to the bamboo :-) And Ka Lauro is such a real-life inspiration. His life shows that a strong spirit can brave all difficulties and one can achieve things to greater heights if one is willing, determined, and has strong faith.

    Thanks for the visit as well, Farida and for the sweet message. Appreciate that so much. :-)

  39. What a powerful testimony of great faith and positiveness. sandie

  40. Ka Lauro is truly inspiring, I hope people would learn from him. We all have our own crosses to bear but if we whine instead of making the best out of our lot, we would change or achieve anything. Like I always tell my students, happiness is a choice, a state of mind. If you refuse to find reasons to be happy, you are doomed to live a lone life.

  41. Heartwarming story. This is a much needed reminder for me of God's grace working in our lives.

  42. Inspiring! There are times giving up seem to be the easiest option.. Possibilities with God are only limited bec of us. "As far as you can," really spoke to me. Thanks for sharing :)

  43. Don't give up! Just when I needed it.

  44. love the story, i must be a bamboo then...thanks for sharing ;)

  45. This is a great story, sis. Such an inspiring read. I didn't know it takes that long for a bamboo to sprout! I'd rather be a bamboo than a fern kung ganun.

    I know two couples too. One can be compared to a fern while the other couple the bamboo. In the first couple, the female wanted to succeed and be rich fast, too fast for that matter. She left her family to go abroad, brought in foreign money to her family. A few years later she left her husband for a foreigner, had more kids with second hubby, and for some time it seems she has succeeded and reached her goal of riches in just a few years. But that was not the case, everything came crashing down in a few years and her marriage with the foreign man fell apart. :(
    Meanwhile, the other couple struggled at first. They were poor and had many children. But they stuck with each other, looked for odd jobs, the wife tutored children, she even did laundry for her sister (the one who married the foreigner). The husband was a pastor and after a few years he was able to build his own church, opened their own small school which grew and grew. Now they have expanded their church to different countries in Europe. If you look at them they are still in love with each other and grow more and more in love.

    Meanwhile, the first woman is on her third husband, another foreigner and rich one again. Her kids from her previous two husbands are all grown up still here in the Phils. She gives them money regularly but that's all. She is playing mother too, but not with her own kids, but to the kids of her third husband. One will wonder if she's happy with the way her life turned out.

    Success is really sweeter after you overcome hardships together, and wait for the fruits of your labor to grow and not rush things. That's what I learned from the second couple.

    Sorry my comment is so long. Your story reminded me of the life of some people I know kasi.hehe

    1. That's alright :) thank you for sharing to me and the readers about a friend in relation to the bamboo and the fern. I agree with you that "success is sweeter after you overcome hardships together..."

      God bless you and your family :D

  46. That is so relevant to my current situation right now. I have just lost one of my main job and left with just a part-time one. And, I am again in search of a new job to cover for my expenses. Until now, I still haven't landed any job. But, I am very hopeful and believe that God is preparing something for me and I know all my waiting will pay off eventually if I learn how to wait! Thank you so much for this inspiring story. :)

  47. this is a very inspiring story..

  48. Yup, this has happened to me a lot of times, yung gusto ko nang mag-quit. But yeah, there is more to life than what is seen at the moment. Greater things are yet to come. :)

  49. Thank you so much for sharing this story. God Bless!

  50. there comes a time that i also wish to give up. I thought life is useless but then i realized that the pain will just pass and i can cope up with life again.

  51. Inspiring story, courage is key to success talaga!

  52. Amazing story.. hopefully all of us will learn from it,.

  53. Ka Lauro is an inspiring man. And this is an inspiring story too.

  54. He is a role model for us, I hope it would inspire more people to live life to the fullest.

  55. Ka Lauro is someone we should really look up to. Despite his limitations, he proves that we can be destined for greatness if we try hard. And thank you sis for sharing the story about the bamboo and fern. It's very inspirational and just the thing I need to read as I'm having quite a struggle myself.

  56. Ka Lauro is indeed an inspiration to all. I like the story of the fern and bamboo. Yes we all need to wait for that result and never quit on it.

  57. We should be inspired to Ka Lauro's standing. He got disabilities and yet he persevere as if he don't have any disabilities.

  58. Hello Farida, you are obviously very proud to have a friend such as Ka Lauro. He is an incredible human being.

  59. Kudos to KA LAURO! proud of you!
