
Naomi Ruth

Naomi Ruth or "Omi" turned two yesterday, July 25th. She is my youngest and only niece (I have two nephews older than her).

At two, she can comprehend in her own little way and is able to communicate well. She knows how to listen to commands and follows our every instructions. When you tell her to close the door, she does it willingly. When I ask her to keep my sandals, she knows where to store them. She has also learned to automatically say thank you, excuse me and I'm sorry when the situation calls for it.

At two, her common sense is unbelievable! She helps me get out of bed during my transfers without anybody coaching her to do it. This demeanor touches my heart bulls eye! Isn't that sweet? She holds my ankles and pulls it until I reach the edge of the bed ready to transfer to my wheelchair. And as I utter a big thank you, she smiles warmly as though to say, "you're welcome Naynay."

She is in love with Elmo of Sesame Street and Dora. Her tantrums dissipate at the sight of these two delightful characters. She giggles and laughs when the story is funny and changes the channel when it's boring.

With the right amount of tutelage and guidance, I'm sure she'll grow up to be a fine lady with endearing characters mentioned prominent as early as two.

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