
The Ten Commandments of Character

Thou shalt be on time for everything, every time.

Thou shalt do what is right,
not what is easy or convenient.

Thou shalt work as hard for others
as thou wouldest have them work for thee.

Thou shalt earn the right to own thy property.

Thou shalt respond to the alarm the first time it rings,
and thou shalt arise early in the morning.

Thou shalt finish everything thou hast started.

Thou shalt record each failure as another may
not to succeed.
Then thou shalt try another way,
and thou shalt never quit until thou has succeeded.

Thou shalt take no shortcut that will diminish
the quality of thy finished product.

Thou shalt live within the confines of thy means
and not within the confines of thy credit card limits.

Thou shalt control thyself
so that others are not forced to control thee.

The above commandments sum up the word character in the aspect of time, doing what is necessary, your attitude towards employment and your job, your right to acquisition and your response whenever the alarm rings. Similarly it speaks about what preoccupies you, your failures and how to overcome it, the quality of any task you must produce, how you spend your credit card and the way you control yourself.

Character is vital to life. It is the foundation that seemingly equips you and I to sustain the varied relationships we have and enable you to continue on looking at the glass half-filled despite life's potholes, no matter how murky your situation may be.

Focus on these because they are more precious than the tangible things you may acquire through the years. With these characters enumerated, what aspect in your life needs more improvement? I've love to hear your thoughts!

Source: Character by Dr. Jeff Owens


  1. These are great reminders, Farida! I think I could improve on #6 and #7. I have things I want to do and I have started them but cannot find the motivation to finish.

  2. oh my, it's hard to commit to all these! :)) #6 and 3 are my AOF :))

  3. Your character makes who you are.

  4. True, the little things we do each day and how we do and how we relate to other people sums up our character. Sometimes, people even the most educated and the richest ones, don't have a good character. Sad.

  5. I love these.

    I need some help with the fifth commandment!

  6. Check yan! Character is also what determines success.

  7. Nice list. No. 6 and 7 sound difficult for me.

  8. agree with your post 100 percent. where we go and how we get there depends on our character.

  9. Well if that's the case I'll ponder on this and build that character.

  10. 5, 6 and sometimes 9 in a pinch, I need to work on plus about a ton more! Work in progress I always say :)

  11. I love number 8.. it works for me, I love it, Farida, thanks for sharing:)

  12. Indeed, character really counts!

    Nice ten commandments;)

  13. This is a good one! :D This applies to the workplace also. Haha Thanks for sharing...

  14. these are gauge for having admirable traits and social rules of behaviour as well
    nice post, thanks for sharing

  15. I need to follow Number 9 more and number 3. :)

  16. I need to be more sociable. I have a tendency to be a loner. I am not fond of making conversations when I don't want to or just to please people e. Also, I am very transparent.

    Mommy Maye

  17. Ooh, this is good. I am going to commit these ten commandments to my heart

  18. Great commandments. Having a hard time with number 5 though. I'm not a morning person by nature. I am changing though because of the kids.

  19. While they are all very good, they made me realize how thankful I am to have a Heavenly Father who forgives because of what his Son did for me. It's pretty amazing how law without grace can weigh you down.

  20. Very nice post, Farida! That's true, Character is vital!

  21. I agree with Janice K.... but they are good tips. :)

  22. really good post, it compels me to reflect...

  23. I love all of them! My favorite is yung about credit cards. Something we should all think about!

  24. Lovely commendmands on character. Those are really important.

  25. These are great commandments. thanks for the reminder.

  26. I love your character commandments sis, true indeed there's no shortcut for everything and i buy the idea that if your success is a product of hardwork then you can savour every moment of it..

    Have a blessed day!!!

  27. Natawa ko sa no. 5... I have 2 or 3 alarms kasi hehehe...Oh I respond to them alright, and the first response is to hit the snooze button lol!

  28. i think i need to improve #5.. hahahaha i need 2 phones and a lot snoozing before waking up. hehe

  29. #5. Okay. I will try to improve on that scale. :(

  30. Great post sis! Character really counts!

  31. Having an ideal character really counts especially when you're in a corporate world and deal with a lot of people from all walks of life.

  32. Wow, this is a great share. I've learned something new again. Thanks Sis. :)

  33. that's a good list! I especially liked #5 and # 1 (ouch!)


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