
My Sources Of Happiness

I am generally a happy person. The simplest of things can make me smile like someone genuinely thanking me, my mom cooking my favorite meal or even a soothing downpour. Through the years, these things that made me happy evolved - often from tangible to the intangible. And because life is short, I have learned the art of appreciating and being grateful at all times. Below are my sources of happiness.

1. Loyal and repeating students
It has always been a joy to teach students who enjoy learning English with me. I admit, the task can be overwhelming and tiring at times because of their varying English levels but I just love my students; and I am glad they love me too. Through the years, the number of my loyal and repeating students has dramatically increased. And I am valuing this job I can do comfortably at home.

2. Weekends
Because I work hard on weekdays; I look forward to weekends akin to a child opening a present. I lazily bask in bed for longer hours, spend time with my family to explore a new place while enjoying an unplanned road trip, trying out a new restaurant or organizing. Weekends give me a break from the mundaneness and the ordinary. And it is fun to be adventurous or to simply just be.

3. My happy pill
 ... is something you may have experienced at some point in your life. Admittedly, it was a surprise (er more of a welcome surprise) and the constancy of it is magical and bliss because it chooses me everyday. It is also accepting, encouraging and inspiring. It is God's precious gift to me.

Coffee (or even its aroma), the company of my nephews and niece and knowing I have touched someone's life continue to be in the list of my sources of happiness. Life is certainly short. So find your happiness and let it stay in your life for as long as you can!


  1. Weekends make me happy, too! My whole family is home and I enjoy having adventures with them and making new memories.

  2. Reading this is a great way to start a Monday! I choose to be happy also and I enjoy reading about what makes you happy. Getting up early and watching the sunrise while enjoying a cup of coffee always makes me happy.

  3. I have always been a generally happy person, even though I have been dealing with depression for the past 2 years. I cannot have a happy morning if coffee is not involved.

  4. I tend to love weekends as well since I get to sleep in!

    I don't drink coffee, but Diet Coke makes me happy and the caffeine keeps me friendly.

  5. It really helps to be appreciative of what you have and the people around you. The contented person is a happy one. Coffee is also my happy pill.

  6. I really don't just understand unhappy people. There are so many reasons to be happy and grateful for if we just take the time to look around. For you it starts with coffee.

  7. I have made it a point to only work during the weekdays so that I have weekends off. And weekends are definitely my happy pill!

  8. Truly inspiring post. Happiness is not elusive, we just have to recognize that it is everywhere! It is a choice and I need to make sure that I focus on the little things that are a true source of happiness. My happy pill? It is watching the sunset.

  9. That is awesome! Life is so much easier when your are happy. Glad you are blessed with repeating students. That must make it fun too.

  10. I love your "happy pill" even though I am not a coffee drinker. I just GET IT. Now, off to find what my happy pill might be!

  11. Weekends are one of my sources of happiness too. There's nothing better than staying in bed later in PJs and just knowing there's time to relax!!

  12. Add weekends too my list for sure. Especially a long one like I have this weekend. Target, family and arts and crafts.

  13. I look forward to the weekends as well as I usually finish all my tasks during the weekdays. I think it's nice to have time for your nieces and nephews. I enjoy their company very much especially now that they're grown up.

  14. I love weekends esp. when the weather gets warmer. I do some gardening which makes me happy. I also like to hike or travel close by to see different views around me.

  15. You are right. One should not waste time brooding over the past or worrying about the future. Live in the present and enjoy each moment as if it was your last. I think that is the best way to live life.

  16. I can agree with you on weekends. That is what gets most of us through the week!

  17. Weekends are definitely something that make me so happy! Like you I also work crazy hard during the week and weekends are my "me time!"

  18. I love what I do, so sometimes it's hard to stop and take a break! I've been trying to get better at it!


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